Slabs or Walls

bag concrete squere calculator
calculate bags of concrete Calculation Result
0.009 cubic feet or 0.000 cubic yards or 0.000 cubic meters
if pre-mixed concrete*, it is 1.231 lbs or 0.558 kgs
if 60 lbs per bag, it is 0.021 bags
if 80 lbs per bag, it is 0.015 bags

Concrete Weight Calculator

When you are doing any sort of at construction project, it is a good idea to start out by knowing how much of the materials you are using you will end up needing. When it comes to concrete, this can be a confusing process. It involved multiplying the length, width and depth of the areas that need to be filled and then dividing that number by 27 (the number of cubic feet in a cubic yard) and then adding 10% to allow for spillage and slab depth variations. Sound confusing? Well, there is an easier solution. You can use a concrete calculator!

Concrete calculators are easy to use. Just enter the length, width and height of the area that needs to be filled as well as the quantity (how many areas you will need to fill) and the calculator automatically comes back with your results. Not only will it tell you how much concrete you will need, it can tell you how many bags you will need taking into account what size bags you will be buying.

We think our concrete calculator provides an easy to use, comprehensive approach to all your concrete construction needs including slabs, walls, columns, tubes, curbs, stairs and more. Good luck getting your project completed as efficiently as possible!

How to make concrete? - aggregate, proportions, costs, types

Concrete is a material that is used in many construction sectors due to its special properties. It is characterized by high durability, resistance to external conditions and the ease with which you can learn to work on it. What is equally important - even a small change in the proportion in the concrete mixture can significantly change its properties, making the concrete, for example, heat-insulating or merely decorative. Therefore, it is of great importance to make a concrete mix and the proportions to be included in it.

Types of cement for concrete

The types of cement for concrete that are available on the market differ in the content of ingredients. We distinguish the following types of cements for construction: CEM I - clinker makes up 95-100% of its composition. It is most often used when creating lintels, ceilings and columns. Its advantage is that it can be used in low temperatures. CEM II - contains CEM I and minerals in the content of 6 to 35%. It is used to prepare ordinary concrete and the most popular masonry or plaster mortar. The advantage of CEM II is a very fast increase in strength. CEM III - consists of CEM I, calcium sulphate and blast furnace slag. It is most often used in the construction of foundations and massive concrete structures. After pouring, it should be poured over it with plenty of water for 2 weeks, not allowing it to dry. CEM IV - resistant to the negative influence of the environment, most often used in mortars, plasters and in parts of the building located underground. CEM V - is a cement resistant to low temperatures, at the same time quickly gaining strength. Often used in building materials with fireproof properties, for cement mortars and concrete.

Concrete B20

Concrete b20 is the so-called ordinary concrete with a compressive strength of 20 MPa, which it gains after 28 days. It has a wide range of applications. First of all, it is used in ceilings and continuous footings, but it is successfully selected for work at virtually every stage of construction works. Suitable for use in both very humid and dry conditions.

Concrete B25

Concrete b25 is characterized by very high strength. It is resistant to low temperatures and high humidity. As for its application, it is often used when laying floors and creating concrete elements during construction or renovation works. It works great in such rooms as a garage, basement, car repair shop or service rooms.

Concrete B30

Concrete b30 is a dry mix for making concrete mortar. It is most often used for concrete and finishing works, such as stairs or, for example, fence walls. It allows loading after 6 hours after flooding, it is waterproof and resistant to low temperatures.

Concrete proportions and ingredients

As mentioned, the proportions of concrete and the ingredients for making concrete are of great importance because a slight change in the proportions causes the properties of the concrete to change. As for the ingredients used to make concrete, they include:
  • cement - the most frequently chosen type of cement is CEM I, II or III.
  • aggregate - generally a mixture of fine sand and gravel with a slightly coarser structure.
  • chemical admixtures - their purpose is to give concrete the appropriate properties necessary for construction works.


CEM I, II, III cements are most often used in the production of concrete due to their properties - when choosing a cement, it is worth paying attention to its consistency. Dry or wet cement will not be strong and may not bond properly. It is worth remembering to wait 28 days for concrete to harden, because then it gains compressive strength, defined in MPa - usually between 32.5 and 42.5.

What aggregate for concrete?

Which aggregate for concrete should be chosen is important for its properties. It should have different grain sizes, therefore it is recommended to use fine sand and gravel. The proportion of sand to the remaining aggregate content should be 1: 3. Before adding aggregate to concrete, it is worth sieving it through a sieve to sift any additives in the form of peat, wood or glass.
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